
Las Termas Papallacta – short version

Papallacta Hot Springs

  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version

Papallacta Hot Springs

The same volcanic forces that created so much of the Andes are also responsible for the numerous hot springs which are sprinkled throughout the range. Among the many are Papallacta Hot Springs, nestled in an Andean valley at 10,871 feet and located about 40 miles outside Quito, Ecuador. One weekend we took a trip there with our Spanish teacher. We sampled the 8 thermal pools of different temperatures, the 3 cold pools and one river water pool during the course of the day. It was relaxing to soak in the pools while hearing the sounds of the nearby river and the singing of the birds, while gazing at distant Antisana, the fourth highest volcano in Ecuador.

Las Termas Papallacta

Las mismas fuerzas volcánicas que crearon gran parte de los Andes también dieron vida a los numerosos manantiales térmicos de la cordillera. Entre ellos se encuentran las Termas Papallacta, ubicadas en un valle andino a casi 4,000 metros y a unos 64 kilómetros de Quito, Ecuador. Un fin de semana viajamos allá con nuestro profesor de español. En el curso de un día probamos las 8 piscinas termales con temperaturas diferentes, las tres piscinas frías, y una de agua de río. Fue relajante remojarnos en las piscinas mientras escuchábamos los sonidos del río cercano y el canto de los pájaros mientras mirábamos el distante Antisana, el cuarto volcán mayor del Ecuador.