
The Bakeries of Mexico – short version

The Panaderias of Mexico

  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version

The Bakeries of Mexico

You’ve been in Mexico awhile, and have enjoyed the food, but you are beginning to long for something more familiar. There is a delectable aroma wafting from a side street, and you realize it comes from a bakery. Go in and try the delicious french rolls [bolillos], or the popular sweet bread [pan dulce]. For something more substantial, you might choose the turnovers [empanadas] which might be stuffed with fruit or creme fillings, or cheese, or thin slices of meat. Bread made with wheat was introduced by the Spanish. The indigenous people did not like it but were forced to eat it as it was often paid as wages for their work. Eventually, they integrated wheat bread into Mexican culture, and now there are probably more than 1000 kinds of bread products baked every day in Mexico.

Las panaderías de México

Hace ya un tiempo que estás en México y te ha gustado la comida, pero comienzas a añorar algo más conocido. Un aroma delicioso flota desde una calle secundaria, y te das cuenta de que viene de una panadería. Entra, y prueba los deliciosos bolillos o el popular pan dulce. Si quieres algo más sustancial elige las empanadas, quizás rellenas de fruta, crema, queso, o finas lascas de carne. El pan hecho de trigo fue introducido por los españoles. A los indígenas no les gustaba, pero se vieron obligados a comerlo porque con frecuencia les pagaban su trabajo con pan. Eventualmente integraron el pan de trigo a la cultura mexicana, y ahora probablemente se hornean más de mil productos de pan cada día en México.