
El Mercado de textiles de Otavalo – short version

The Textile Market of Otavalo

  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version

The Textile Market of Otavalo

One of the highlights of any trip to Ecuador is a visit to the famous textile market of Otavalo. Thick wool and alpaca sweaters, carpets and blankets with interesting color combinations are popular. Ponchos made with wool dyed blue with agave juice are for sale and are worn by the Otavalans themselves. Wool and felt hats, mittens, socks and handbags attract the prospective buyer. Otavalans have been weaving for hundreds of years, and although they were once exploited by the Inca and the Spanish, Otavalans now own more than 80% of the weaving-related businesses in the area. Their products are sold around the world.

El Mercado de textiles de Otavalo

Uno de los puntos culminantes de cualquier viaje al Ecuador es una visita al famoso Mercado de textiles de Otavalo. Gruesos suéteres de lana y alpaca, alfombras y frazadas de interesantes combinaciones de colores son populares. Se venden los ponchos de lana gruesa teñidos de azul con jugo de agave que usan los propios otavaleños. Sombreros de lana y felpa, mitones, medias y bolsos atraen a los clientes. Los otavaleños han estado tejiendo durante cientos de años y, aunque fueron explotados por los incas y los españoles, ahora son propietarios de más del 80% de los negocios textiles de la región. Sus productos se venden en todo el mundo.