
La Guelaguetza – short version


  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version


Beautiful women, handsome men, magnificent regional dress, and dancing that mesmerizes all define the annual Oaxacan festival called Guelaguetza. This centuries-old tradition originated with the Zapotecs in pre-Columbian times. “Guelaguetza” means “great courtesy.” The dances reenact legends that speak of villagers helping each other in times of need, and of rituals to ensure the success of the corn crop. The first time viewer is overwhelmed by the pageantry, the exuberance, and the collage of swirling colors as the dancers glide across the stage in time to the beautiful music. It is an elevating experience that reinforces the idea that caring for the earth and for each other will allow a people to survive and to flourish.

La Guelaguetza

Mujeres hermosas, hombres apuestos, espectaculares trajes regionales y bailes hipnóticos definen el festival oaxaqueño anual de la Guelaguetza. La tradición centenaria se originó con los zapotecas en la era precolombina. “Guelaguetza” significa “ofrenda” o “participar cooperando”. Los bailes representan leyendas de oaxaqueños que se ayudan mutuamente en tiempos de carencia y rituales para asegurar el éxito de la cosecha de maíz. Quienes presencian el festival por primera vez se sienten emocionados por el espectáculo, la exhuberancia y los vivos colores que se arremolinan cuando los bailarines se deslizan sobre el escenario al ritmo de la música. Es una experiencia regocijante con un mensaje universal: cuidar de la tierra y del prójimo hace que un pueblo sobreviva y prospere.