
El ascenso del Cotopaxi – short version

Climbing Cotopaxi

  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version

Climbing Cotopaxi

In 1999, my wife and I were living in Quito, Ecuador, studying Spanish. We learned that Cotapaxi, at 19,347 feet, is one of the highest active volcanos in the world. We decided to climb it, and hired a local guide. A week later, we drove to the base of the mountain and climbed to a hut, situated at 15,748 feet. Early next morning we began our climb using headlamps, ice axes, crampons and rope. The climb was mostly slow walking, but still difficult due to the high altitude. Eventually we reached the top. We enjoyed the panoramic view, looked into the steaming caldera, and then descended back to the hut. We were very tired, but felt a great sense of accomplishment.

El ascenso del Cotopaxi

En 1999 mi esposa y yo vivíamos en Quito, Ecuador, donde estudiábamos español. Aprendimos que el Cotopaxi, con 5,897 metros, es uno de los volcanes activos más altos del mundo. Decidimos subirlo y contratamos un guía. Una semana después manejamos hasta la base de la montaña y subimos a una cabaña situada a 4,800 metros. Temprano a la mañana siguiente comenzamos nuestro ascenso llevando linternas, hachas para el hielo, garfios y sogas. Durante el ascenso caminábamos lentamente, pero aún así fue difícil debido a la altura. Por fin llegamos a la cima. Disfrutamos de la vista panorámica, observamos la caldera humeante, y después descendimos hasta la cabaña. Estábamos muy cansados, pero nos sentíamos muy satisfechos.