
Las esculturas de bronce de Alejandro Colunga – short version

The Bronze Sculptures of Alejandro Colunga

  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version

The Bronze Sculptures of Alejandro Colunga

The plazas of the “Centro Historico” in Guadalajara, Mexico have many interesting outdoor works of art. Among the most popular are the bronze sculptures of Alejandro Colunga, a famous and popular artist born in Guadalajara. Each depicts a magician transforming himself into a sofa or chair, and everyone is welcome to sit on these fantastic creations. Because the proportions of each piece are so unusual, a person may feel tall or short, fat or thin when sitting on them. No matter what their level of artistic sophistication, everyone seems to love the sculptures as they point, laugh, touch, and finally sit on these unusual works of art.

Las esculturas de bronce de Alejandro Colunga

En las plazas del centro histórico de Guadalajara, México, hay muchas obras de arte interesantes al aire libre. Entre las más populares están las esculturas de bronce de Alejandro Colunga, un famoso y popular artista nacido en Guadalajara. Cada una representa a un mago que se transforma en un sofá o una silla, y el público puede sentarse en estas fantásticas creaciones. Debido a que las proporciones de cada pieza son tan inusuales, las personas pueden sentirse altas o bajas, gordas o flacas. No importa su nivel de educación artística, a los transeúntes parecen encantarles las esculturas porque señalan, ríen, tocan y por fin se sientan en estas inusuales obras de arte.