
Amigos de Teacapán – short version

Friends of Teacapán

  • Remember, expect this to be challenging.
  • First, read the English version.
  • Next, read the Spanish version.
  • Click the control to hear the audio.
  • Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
  • Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
  • See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
  • Then try the long version.

Short Version

Friends of Teacapán

Teacapán is a poor fishing village about 60 miles south of Mazatlan. With minimal infrastructure and fishing in decline, they are unable to adequately fund their schools or medical clinic. But a group of vacationing gringos formed a group in 2000 to help the town. They call themselves Amigos de Teacapán. Through donations and fundraisers, they have been able to help the schools purchase needed supplies and even pay for the college education of three villagers. They have also helped the medical clinic install plumbing and purchase supplies such as oxygen and medicine. And they arranged for a group of volunteer dentists to examine and treat 1200 school children last year. The Amigos system is based on helping the people help themselves, and it is working.

Amigos de Teacapán

Teacapán es una pobre aldea pesquera ubicada a unos 97 kilómetros al sur de Mazatlán. Con su infraestructura mínima y la pesca en declive, sus habitantes apenas pueden financiar sus escuelas o la clínica. Pero un grupo de gringos vacacionistas formó una organización en el año 2000 para ayudar al pueblo. Se llaman “Amigos de Teacapán”. A través de donativos y recaudaciones de fondos, han podido ayudar a las escuelas a comprar los suministros necesarios y hasta a pagar por la educación universitaria de tres aldeanos. También han ayudado a la clínica a instalar plomería y a comprar suministros tales como oxígeno y medicinas. Además, organizaron a un grupo de dentistas voluntarios que examinaron y dieron tratamiento a 1,200 escolares el año pasado. El sistema de “Amigos” se basa en ayudar a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas, y funciona.